Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Unknowns of spam mails!!!

Hello everyone! Today I'll be talking about the behind scenes of spam mails! Everyone in the entire world definitely has a common thing and that's an email account. Not considering the fact of people who aren't able to afford it or due to any other circumstances. Whatever it is, it brings me to the point that everyone's mail account is bound to face the problem of spam mails and now I'll move further into the topics.

Spam mails are mainly to advertise on their products which are most likely not credible, or advertise about how to get rich quickly or about their services. These advertising spam mails usually purposely join some mailing lists and get the addresses from there onwards obtain our addresses from other places by searching for it. They will then start spam mailing these advertisments to people like us!

Sometimes, these spam mails may contain viruses or Trojans which gets on the receivers' nerves due to the fact that these viruses may cause the computer to work on its own due to the file which is attached to the e-mail message. As found in my research, some files can be run automatically and the fact that you do not know what is in the file, the computer is prone to suffer from the virus. This is why it is important for us to think twice before opening the email

Some email headings may interest us and thus we should always use check its credibility with the use of the anti-virus software which has the latest virus databases. But many people still ignore the danger that come from these viruses without knowing the fact that these viruses may also cause their personal information to be leaked out.

Below is an advertisement made by wintoons.com that shows the importance of anti-viruses software in a cartoonist-ic manner. (It isn't a real software!)

Has anyone ever thought of why these spammers are constantly advertising about their products and etc? From my research, I thought about it thoroughly and felt that it was in fact very true and that's how we really react to these advertisments. It's the same with the advertisements shown on TV. Everyone knows that advertisements in TVs are a waste of time to watch thus they basically change the channel (what I would normally do) or do their own stuff while waiting for the show to continue. These advertisements will have an impact on the viewers through the repetitions where we will immediately think of that product when we really need them. Similarly, one may receive the same spam mail/advertisement whenever he/she checks their email. Having seen it repeatedly, they may just click it one day.

Always use their spam filter! There are two types but the ones that people are using would be the client spam filters which I believe everyone who's reading this post is using too. It's a filter that separates our spammed mails and directs it into our junk mail! I think it's actually quite interesting that the computer is able to be made in a way that it recognises what is a junk mail and what is a proper mail!

Below is a video of how to avoid spam email. If I'm not wrong, their system applies a little to their country's email system. It provides tips on how we can avoid these problems such as unsubscribe to their links and not reply and also check on the privacy policy etc.

I think it's actually interesting to actually know how does spam mails come about and it's good to know what we can do to prevent these annoying problems that we may face which comes from these spam mails! I think I actually learnt quite a lot from these researches and videos.

So, how do you feel when receiving tons of spam mails and do you actually click on these spam mails when you're actually attracted to it's heading/title? If you did, did your computer suffered from some technical difficulties?

About Spams 
Video 1
Video 2